By Sodium
It is highly recommended that the interested reader reads the previous essay titled " The Introduction Of The Book, " 100 Tough Questions about God And The Bible " By Stephen M. Miller. The date of publication, on this website, is February 6, 2015. However, it is much better to obtain a copy of the book and read it from cover to cover. Please try to appreciate the critical thinking behind raising such tough questions.
The questions being raised, in the book by Stephen Miller, have dealt with both the Old and the New Testaments of The Bible. Most likely, blindly adherents to either Christianity or Judaism will not appreciate reading such tough and daring questions. To those type of readers, the content of such a critical book is not for them to read. Hence, to such readers, I suggest to stop reading, at this very point and moment in time. I do hate antagonizing any reader of this website, but I cannot shy away from admiring critical thinking, regardless of the source and regardless of the subject the critical thoughts might have touched. Meanwhile, I feel that I must make it very clear that, I, for one, have respected the critical thoughts and truly objective attempts expressed by the author, Stephen Miller. In fact, I have admired the answers he has provided for each question because they are truly engaging in the objective manners they have been expressed and presented. My hat is tipped to Miller's hard hitting efforts.
To quote correctly the 100 tough questions Stephen Miller has risen, in his book will be presented in this blog BETWEEN QUOTATIONS, to remind the interested readers that those tough questions have been raised by the author of the book, not by Sodium: The one hundred questions will be divided into 10 parts. Each part will be composed of ten questions. That means that the 100 questions will be presented on this website in a total of 10 separate blogs. Attempts will be made to complete quoting them as promptly as possible: The first ten questions are being quoted below, for the benefit of those readers who have, for various reasons, no accessibility to the book to read from cover to cover-hence quoting the questions may provide them with, at least, an idea about the book and what the author of the book has tried to convey to the readers:
" 1. What on earth do Christians mean when they say the bible is " inspired by God " ?
" 2. We're supposed to believe that once upon a time people like Noah lived more than 900 years ? "
" 3. When Israel 's high priest wanted to hear from God, he used some magical stones called Urim and Thumin which gave him a yes or no answer. Isn ' t that a bit like flipping a coin ? "
" 4. The Bible says God gets jealious, but how is that not petty of him ? "
" 5. The song of songs in the Bible is so sexually charged that sounds like it needs " rated for a mature audience. " What 's it doing in the Holy Bible ? "
" 6. God said King Hezekiah would die of an illness, but a few minutes later said he would let Hezekiah live another fifteen years. How can someone who knows everything change his mind like that ? "
" 7 How could Mary have been pregnant virgin 2,000 years before in vitro fertilization ? "
" 8. Why should anyone believe that a star led the wise men to Bethlehem when stars do not move like that ? "
" 9. Since Jesus told people to turn the other cheek, why aren ' t more Christians pacifists ? "
" 10 If Jesus was so great, you would think Roman or Jewish history writers of his own time would have written about him. Did they ? "