Tuesday, October 27, 2015

" What Cancer Cannot Do "

By Sodium

The following inspirational statements about the human deadly disease called " Cancer " have been found by Sodium; and he, in turn, wishes to share them with the dedicated readers of this website.

        " What Cancer Cannot Do "

" Cancer is so limited ":

" It ( Cancer ) cannot cripple love "

"It cannot shatter hope "

" It cannot corrode faith "

" It cannaot destroy peace "

" It cannot kill friendship "

" It cannot supress memories "

" It cannot invade the soul "

" It cannot steal the eternal life "

" It cannot conquer the spirit "
                        Author: Anonymous

Final Words:
I do hope that every reader who has read all of the above inspirational statement,s authored by unknown author or writer,  or by just a simple human being, has enjoyed reading them just as I have.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Important Quotations From The Answer To Question (20) Of The " 100 Tough Questions about God And The Bible " By Stephen M. Miller.

By Sodium

Re-citing Question (20):
" Wouldn't it seem more reasonabe to believe that Jesus disciples stole his body instead of believing he rose from the deadand walked away ? "

Quotation One
" As the Bible tells it, Jewish leaders bribed the soldiers guarding the tomb: " They gave the soldiers a large amount of money and told them to say that Jesus' disciples had come at night and had stolen his body while they (the soldiers) were sleeping " " ( Matthew 28:12-1 ). "
" Some wonder what the soldiers' comeback would have been if their commander had asked, " How could you know that if you were asleep  "

Quotation Two::
" Here one important fact: " no resurrection, no Christian religion. "
" That's how vital the resurrection of Jesus is. "

Quotation Three:
" Finding the corpse of Jesus would gut the Christian religion."
" The apostle Paul put it this way: " If Christ wasn't raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is your faith " " ( Corinthians 15:14 CEV ). "

Miller has made the point that when Jesus was in the process to crucifixion, all his disciples were in hiding. And while in hiding something dramatic had happened that changed the disciples from a bunch of cowards to martyrs in their loyalty to him. What has changed the disciples from cowards to martyrs is found in the following quotation from the New Testament of the Bible:

Quotation Four:
" The disciples were afraid of the Jewish leaders,and on the eve of that same Sundaythey locked themselves in a room. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in the middle of the group. He greeted them and showed them his hands and his side. When the disciples saw the Lord, they became very happy."
                                                                                                      " John 20:19-20 CEV "

Quotation Five:
" As the New Testament ( of the Bible ) writers and early church leaders tell it, the disciples were never the same after that. They believed in life after death so much that they practiced what they preached. Most died as martyrs."

Quotation Six:
" It's not that Roman history ( books ) reports the resurrection as a fact. But it does report the disciples' belief in it as a fact.

Quotation Seven:
" There was a wise man who was called Jesus, and his conduct was good.... Pilate condemned to be crucified .... His disciples didn't abaudon their loyalty to him. They reported that he appeared to them three days after his crucifixion, and that he was alive."
          " Josephus ( about AD 7--101, Jewish historian and Roman citizen, Antiquities of the Jews "

Final Words:


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Quotations From The Answer To question (19) Of The " 100 Tough Questions about God And The Bibble " By Stephen M. Miller.

By Sodium

Re-citing Question (19):
" Why do many Christians say the wine and bread of communion actually turn into Jesus' blood and body ? ".

Quotation One:
" Of all the rituals Christians perform, including marriage ceremonies and baptism, there's one ritual that stand out as the most secred at all-at least in the mind many Christians.It's the ritual of eating a piece of bread and drinking a sip of grape juice or wine. This ritual goes by many names
   * Communion
   * The Lord Supper
   * Eucharist
   * Mass

It's so cherished because it's not a ritual that the disciples or other church leaders decided to create. It's the one ritual that Jesus himself established. He set up during his last meal with the disciples, the night of his arrest. Apparently anticipating his crucifixion the next morning. "

Quotation Two:
Stephen Miller provides the following reference from the Bible to confirm that Jesus himself established such a revered ritual, indeed:

" Jesus took some bread in his hands and gave thanks for it. He broe the bread and handed it to his apostles. Then he said, " This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this as a way of remembering me! "  After the meal he took another cup of wine in his hands.  (he said, " This is my blood. It is poured out for you. "  Luke 22:19-20 CEV "

Quotation Three::
" Today, most Protestants would say that the bread and grape juice or wine that their ministers serve during the sacrament of Communion is just that: bread and juice. It simply represents the broken body and shed blood of Jesus. It's a metaphor. "

Quotation Four:
" Catholics and Orthodox Christians insist that Jesus said " This is my body and blood, " not " This is a Metaphor."

Quotation Five:
Stephen Miller says that " Some twenty years after Jesus, Paul said this when he described the ritual to Christians in Corinth (Turkey): "

" What you must solemnly realize is that every time you eat this bread and every time you drink this cup, you reenact in your words and action the death of the Master. You will be drawn back to this meal again and again until the Master returns. "  1 Corinthians 11:26 THE MESSAGE

He called the elements " bread " and " drink, " not the body and blood of Jesus. "

Quotation Six:
Finally, Stephen Miller provide the following historical information:

" The first church handbook skipped it "  and he wrote:

" The church's first known manual--Didache ( DID ah KAY; Greek: " teaching " )--does not say a word about the bread and winemorphing into flesh and blood. "

Final Words:


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Selected Quotations From The Answer To Question (18) Of The " 100 Tough Questions about God And The Bible " By Stephen Miller.

By Sodium

Re-citing Question (18)
" Given that snake do not say much these dayswhy do many Christians insist that a snake talked Eve into eating the forbidden from the forbidden fruit ? "

The following quotations have been selected  from Miller's answer to the above question:

Quotation One:
" The snake was more clever than all the wild animals he Lord God had made. He asked the woman, " " Did God really say, " You must never eat the fruit of any tree in the garden " ? " "(Genesis 3:1 ). "

Quotation Two:
" Even the last book in the Bible calls the snake Satan: " That ancient snake, named Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world " "( Revelation 12: 9 ). "

Quotation Three:
" " Many Bible experts, however, say they aren't so sure that the writer of the first book, Genesis, thought of the snake as anything other than a creepy, crawly critter. "

Quotation Four:
" Whatever the critter was, it could outtalk a parrot. "

Quotation Five:
" Some guessed it walked, too. that's just a presumptionbased on the punishment God gave it: You will crawl on your belly. You will be the lowest of animals as long as you live " " (Genesis 3:14). "

Quotation Six:
" The snake in Genesis did pretty much the same as the snake in an ancient story frm Babylon, in which is now Iraq. In the epic of Gilamesh, the hero was about to get a plant that would protect him from death. A snake beat him to it--and ate it. The Bible story twists that plot."

Quotation Seven:
" Others say they see a mingling of history and symbolism, all mended to explain humanity's broken relationship with God. "

Quotation Eight:
" Still others insist that the writer ( of the Old Testament of the Bible ) was accurately reporting history, as inspired by God's spirit--and that a talking snake is a talking snake, and we can debate it until our tails rattle, but it's still a talking snake. "

Final Words:
It seems to me that Quotation Six is most telling, about where the real roots of, at least, part of the Biblical stories came from. This trend seems to hold closer to the truth, as one takes into considerations the historical fact that about 28,000 of the ancient Hebrews, such as the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, had lived in captivity in Assyria (in what is known now as Iraq), after the Assyrian ruler by the name of Sennacherib conquered northern Israel, about six centuries ago ( 600 hundred years ago ) before the birth of Jesus Christ, and consequently approximately 600 years before the birth of Christianity.

Some of those captives had managed returning to Jerusalem, but most of them remained in Assyria.

Now, one may be able to make the obvious connections between the telling of quotation six, quoted above, and the story of the snake and Eve, as spelled out in the Old Testament of the Bible--meaning the possible roots of the story was Assyrian cultural beliefs. Of course, the hard core Christians and Jews will reject such possible connections and that is their prerogative to adhere to their beliefs--just as I have rights to adhere to the proposed connections between the Assyrian culture, on one hand, and the snake and Eve story in the old Testament of the Bible, on the other hand.

I have taken my time to write all the foregoing under the subtitle, " Final Words " because I simply could not believe that snakes could talk. No way. You can call me " Zindeeq " if you wish, but I will stick firmly to my human rationality and sensibility. .

END    :

' ? "

Note To The Readers Of This Website.

Dear Readers,

Due to health issues, I have realized that it will take me much more than two years to summarize each answer, given by Stephen Miller, to every question he raised in his book entitled " 100 Tough Questions about God And The Bible " . That's just too long of a time to spend in struggling in writing a summary or outline to each answer of the 100 truly tough questions. In order to provide you with a reasonable comprehension of the content of the answers given by Miller, I shall attempt to provide you with selected quotations which may appear to me important for understanding the core essence of what Miller provides in his answers

Hence, from now on, please expect to read mostly quotations selected from each answer. I intend to make my commentary participation as brief as possible.
