By Sodium
Before reading this essay, it is recommended to read topic number (13) Islamophobia, (pubished on May 25, 2010),as part of the 14 topics series entitled," Islam As Understood By An Agnostic ", published on this website. I apologize for the typing mistakes wherever they occur in my writings. I just do not edit what I write, because of shortage of time. I do trust the intelligence of the readers of this website, since if they are not very intelligents, they certainly would not have cared reading what has been published on this website
Back to " Exposing Islamophobia And Islamophobes ":
The following book is well researched and has exposed Islamophobia and Islamophobes as they should be exposed concisely and objectively:
The Islamophobia Industry
How The Right Manufactures Fear Of Muslims
Nathan Lean, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Media, a contributing writer at PolicyMic, and a co-author of " Iran, Israel,and the United States ".
Forwarded by John L. Esposito,Professor of Religions at GeorgeTown University in Washington DC area.
Since I do realizse that some of the readers of this website have no accessibility to the book, because of a variet of reasons, I shall attempt, here, to provide them with ideas as to what the essence of the content of the book embodies. In addition to the "Acknowledgement ", " Forward " and " Introduction ", the book is composed of seven chapters, with their respective titlles embody the following explicit titles:
Chapter 1: " Monsters Among Us: A History of Sowing Fear in America ".
Chapter 2: " A Web of Deception: Fomenting Hate Online ".
Chapter 3: " Media Mayhem: Broadcasting, Anti-Muslim Madness ".
Chapter 4: " We Come Bearing Crosses: The Christian Right's Battle for Eternity ".
Chapter 5: " Of Politics and Prophecy: The Alliance of the Pro-Israel Right ".
Chapter 6 " To Washington and Beyond: Islamophpbia as Government Policy ".
Chapter 7: " Across the Pond: The Deadly Effects of Hate in Europe "
Although it is highly recommended to read the entire book and see for yourself the elaborated and excellent details in the book, it is hoped that the above cited tittles of the book are explicit enough to provide those readers, who for a variety of reasons have no chance of reading the book, with a little bit of knowledge about the content of the book. There is nothing like reading the book from cover to cover. Do so, if you can, and thank me later.
What is most impressive about the book are the following ponts:
~ It names specific names as to who was or were the father or fathers of Islamophobia.
~ It specificallly names the currently active Islamophobes and who fund them and provide them with the money to continue doing their dirty works.
~ It clearly shows the detrimental or rather the deadly effects of the evil campaigns the Islamophobes have waged against Islam and Muslims,not only in the United States, but also in Europe.
~ The total number of pages of the seven chapters of the book, plus its introduction, is 184 pages, but the total number of references that have been listed for the seven chapters of the book, plus its introduction, is 574 well documented references. If one divides the number of references by the number of the pages of the book will get 3.12 references for each page the book contains. That is an impressive ratio by any standard of measurements,including some scientific publications I had happened reviewing. That is why it has been described as a well researched book.
If you are a reader who is interested in accummulating knowledge about Islamophobia and Islamophobes,this book is certainly a must read. Read it, if you can and keep it in your home library as a reference for your use in the future, as you may need a good reference or references on the subject. The references listed at the end of each chapter of the book are extremely valuable for any reader who may be interested in pursuing the subject of Islamophobia and Islamophobes further.
Sodium:I have limited budget for the purpose of buying books.I would like to read this book you have recommended (The Islamophobia Industry),if its price is within what I can afford.Do you know where I can buy it with the least price possible?
ReplyDeleteThank you in advance for your guidance.
Nancy,It seems that Sodium is too busy these days. Let me provide you with a suggestion.
ReplyDeleteYou may be able to save $4-6 if you order the book online from:
Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI regret the delay in responding to your inquiry.
You may purchase the book at a substantial saving from the following organization:
American Educational Trust
Book Store
P.O.Box 53062
Washington,DC 20009-9062
Phone: (800)368-5788 or (202) 939-6050
Fax: (202)265-4574
The above organization is a non-profit one. It publishes," The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs ", and depends,to cover its operational cost,on incomes from subscription incomes and denotions.
Contact them and I am sure that they will help you as they had helped me. I purchased my soft cover of the book,by mail,from them.
I wish you well.
ReplyDeleteI have forgotten to tell you that what Estifan has suggested to purchas the book on line may save you money also,especially if you are lucky enough by finding a used copy for sale. The saving,here,can be a real good one. Try what Estifan has suggested in his post of March 18,2013,addressed to you. It may work just fine for you.
Thank you Sodium and thank you Estifan for your guidances. I shall try both ways and see what would happen.
ReplyDeleteAgain,thanks to both of you.