By Sodium
As I reviewed a monthly newspaper called " Profile News " dated January 2014, published in Ohio, U.S.A. I was struck by some unusual human behaviors which at once appeared to me as colorful and complex as a mosaic I saw more than 30 years ago on one of the floors of an old church, in the city of Madaba, located not too far, south of Amman, capital city of the The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. And I have felt that it is worth publishing such unusual human events here, to remain as a reminder about the complexity of the human behaviors, at least, for some of the times:
From India:
Because the bride-groom had failed to show-up for his own wedding, the bride picked up one man to be her husband from the huge crowd, made up of relatives and friends who were mere guests for the wedding.
My Comment:
The bride must have a lot of daring and spirit of gambling, or at least, a spirit of adventurism. Wish her a lot of luck. she needs it. That is for certain.
From Russia:
A passenger airplane was forced to land in Siberia, because of a fight between two men over the usage of the Rest Room, ( Toilet ) in the airplane.
My Comment:
Perhaps, both men had suffered from an illness called diarrhea, or both men suffered from frequent urination, or both men had suffered from diarrhea and frequent urination. If so, they both deserve my empathy, because I had experienced both problems. I would not wish my enemy, if I have one, to go through either the diarrhea or the frequent urination.
From Italy:
An Italian man Put On Fire the bank which had refused to lend him money.
My Comment:
It seems to me it was a vengeance, Italian style.
From Turkey:
Arab travelers to Turkey are not allowed to enter Turkey, each accompanied with several wives. Only Arab travelers, each one of them is accompanied with only one wife, are allowed to enter Turkey.
My Comment:
Perhaps, and just perhaps, Turkey is trying to tell the European Union something, not all people can guess what it is.
From Kenya:
A 28 year old young man has committed suicide in Nairobi, capital of Kenya, because Manchester United team was beaten, in a soccer game, by New Castle United team.
My Comment:
President George Washington was correct when he warned, in his farewell speech, his fellow Americans of the danger of " Passionate Attachment " to any foreign country. I wish he warned them also, excluding their loved ones, against a " Passionate Attachment " to everything else, including soccer's teams..
From Japan:
The Japanese Police Arrest A Woman For Calling Them 15,000 times.
The official police said: " She did not make up story that required us to respond-it was just total nonsense. We visited her place about 60 times before arresting her, trying to persuade her not to call us again. I wonder if she was just lonely."
My Comment:
Even " if she was just lonely " it is crazy to call anybody 15,000 times regardless of how important the reasons were behind such thousands of calls-that was 15,000 of them. Crazy acts done 15,000 times.
From China:
A restaurant called, " Five Loaves and Two fish , " named for the story of Jesus feeding five thousand people by so little loaves of bread and fish, lost in the first two months of its opening 250,000 yen equivalent to $ 41,000. Its big sign says: " Pay-What-You-Like. " It seems that so many people LIKED NOT to pay anything for the food offered in good faith. One of the rules in this restaurant was that every customer must wash the dishes and silverware he or she had used in eating their hot meals.
My Comment
Perhaps, washing the dishes and silverware they used in eating their meals was considered by the stingy customers who did not pay for their meals, as the pay-off for their meals.
I wonder as to how many millions, or even billions, of people who like to get something without paying some kind of price for. Just wonder !!
It is surprising to me to read this post of yours, Sodium, because I am accustomed of reading only your tough and critically serious thoughts. But I must say, it is most welcome and as you have said in the title, "for a change."
DeleteIf I have sounded tough to you, I really have never meant to be, at all. It simply was not me. My apology, if I was really tough and hurt anyone
As to critical thoughts, I have nothing to deny or hide, here. Yes, indeed, I have tried to think critically since my high school years, followed by my university years, spent at the undergraduate and graduate levels. And no apology is offered to you or anybody else in that regard.
At any rate, thank you for your comments. Appreciated reading them.
Sodium: You have surprised me completely with this post, because I have never thought you would ever deviate from your dedicated interest in politics, religions, and good food. By the way, I tried Chicken Sumac. And it was delicious.
ReplyDeleteThe quarrel over the use of the toilet in the airplane was really hilarious-could not help not to crack-up in laughter. Thanks for the good laugh.
Glad to know that you liked Chicken Sumac. It is one of my favorite foods.
DeleteI am also glad reading that you had, " cracked up in laughter " because of the fight over the usage of the toilet in the passenger airplane. I also " cracked up in laughter " when I read it.
It is good to know your reactions related to what you read on this website. Many thanks, Anonymous.