Monday, November 3, 2014

Some Interesting Information, Unknown To Most People Of The Globe.

By Sodium

While cruising the Internet, hoping to find a used book about Ibn Al-Haytham, as the first scientist in the recorded human history, I stumbled on a website, by sheer accident, to be caught in a complete surprise to read the following unknown information to me and, most likely, to most people of the world:

The Information:
" The total weight of all ants of the world is the same as the total weight of all Humans. "

My Response:
It would be very interesting to know the methodology that was used for reaching such an incredible information.

The Information:
" Lighting strikes Earth 8 millions times a day. "

My Response:
The technology which was used to reach such a statistical conclusion must be revealed. Otherwise, I have to put a question mark, (? ), about such an formation.

The Information:
" Only 20 percent of Americans have passports. "

My Response:
That one is easy to believe, since all what one has to do is check with the Department of State of the Executive Branch of the United States of America.

The Information:
" China produces more pigs than all other countries combined. "

My Response:
One must check with the Ministry of Agriculture of China; and then collect all statistics available from the 196 countries which are members of the United Nations, to test the validity of such information.

The Information:
" Whether you walk or run, you burn 100 calories per mile. "

My Response:
I occasionally do some walking, but I have never known how many calories I have burned per mile, let alone knowing how many calories I burn if I can run.

The Information:
" The Effel tower, (in Paris, France ), becomes 6 inches taller in the Summer."

My Response:
Consult physics books on heat of metals, especially iron. 

The Information:
" 97 %  of world water is undrinkable. "

My Response:
If the operative word, " undrinkable, " means that the availability of the water in the world is really drinkable, (seas and oceans water ), but the human race has not made enough efforts to make it drinkable, that is just fine and I see no problem in the information given. But, if the operative word, " undrinkable " means that 97 percent of water in the world is so contaminated unfit for humans to drink, then and only then, the human race  is heading to disasters. Let us hope the former meaning applies, not the latter.

The Information:
" The world consumes 2 liters of gasoline, ( Petroleum ), per person per day."

My Response:
To test the validity of such an information, one must check with the OPEC countries, or with the Department of Energy of the government of the United States of America and then obtain a reliable information about the world 's population.

The Information:
" Dolphins sleep with one eye open. "

My Response:
Most likely, divers in the man-made pools for Dolphins, in Florida or California, have reported such an information. Ask them.

The Information:
" Almost half of the people in Manhattan, ( part of the city of New York ), live alone."

My Response:
Check with the office of the city government, ( Mayor 's Office ), of  the city of New York. They should have the statistics.

The Information:
" Black cats are bad luck in the U.S.A., but good luck in Japan. "

My Response:
Black cats are also considered bad luck in most countries of the globe. Japan seems to be the exception

The Information:
"Only 11% of the world 's surface is being used to grow crops."

My Response:
Perhaps, such an information is correct, if the suraces of the seas and oceans are included.

The Information:
" Americans consume 120 apples per year. "

My Response:
That is equal to only 0.33 apple per day. Not really much of consumption of apple per day, at all.

The Information:
70 % of the red meat eaten world wide is goat meat."

My Response:
Perhaps, and only perhaps, checking with certain offices of the United Nations, or the U.S. Department of Agriculture may attest tlo the validity of such information.

The Information:
" The sun comprises 99 % of the total mass in our solar system. "

My Response:
Ask some professional astronomers who work for NASA. They may confirm such a piece of most interesting information. Mother Earth must be extremely minute in comparison.

The Information:
" People do not sneeze when they sleep. "

My Response:
This piece of information can be attested by having a good recorder next to your bed when you sleep.

The Information:
" Turtles can breath through their rear-end. "

My Response:
A Knowledgeable zoologist can confirm such a piece of information or dismiss it

The Information:
" Your heart beats 100,000 times per day. "

My Response:
Please ask your cardiologist, ( heart specialist )  He or she can confirm or dismiss such a piece of very interesting information.

The Information:
" Flamingos got their distinctive color from the food they eat."

My Response:
Since their distinctive color is pink or rather an orange color, perhaps and just perhaps, they eat a lot oranges, or probably mangos. I am guessing, here, because I really do not know .

The Information:
" Human brain is made up of only 2 % of human body, but requires 20 % of your oxygen and calories. "

My Response:
A physician specializing in neurology may be able to confirm or dismiss this piece of information. If you know a person specializing in that field, ask him or her.

The Information:
" Women blink twice as often as men."

My Response:
If such a piece of information is true, one may ask " why ? "  Perhaps a professional and knowledgeable psychologist can answer the " why ? ", with a degree of acceptability that makes sense.

Final words
The list of information I have accidently encountered, on the Internet, is much longer than I have listed in the above list. I could not copy more information because each statement of information appeared only for few second on the screen of the computer. I took hand written notes as quickly as I possible could to share them with the readers of this website. That was the best I could do.



  1. It is hard for me to believe the following two statements:
    (1) "The total weight of all ants of the world is the same as the total weight of all human."
    (2) " Lighting strikes Earth 8 million times a day. "

    Sodium: will you please make your responses on those two statements little bit clearer. Thank you.

    1. Anonymous,

      If you read again, more carefully, my two responses to the two statements you have quoted in your comments which have questioned their veracity, you will realize that my responses have a touch of reservation in accepting the two statements, you have rightly quoted, without revealing the methodology and technology that were used to come up with a degree of plausibility for each of the two statements in question. In short, I have just as hard time, as you have, for accepting the two statements about the ants and lightening strikes, and perhaps even more so, but I kept my options open to accept the two pieces of information. if the people who made them reveal the scientific technics they used to come up with such fascinating two pieces of information.

      I do hope that the foregoing reply is sufficient to dispel any ambiguity I have unintentionally made in my two responses.

      At any rate, thank you for taking your time to express so honestly how you have felt about my two responses in the essay. Much appreciated.
